Sunday, July 27, 2008

Casual Contemplation

Reelz Channel is God's answer to the prayers of movie geeks around the world. I, myself, am not what you might label as a movie geek, but frankly, i think i am becoming a movie geek watching this channel more and more...and I'm loving it.

In any case, so I'm sitting here watching my new found favorite channel (second only to ESPN and CNN), enjoying a documentary on Robert Dinero, and i start wondering about a few things. Nothing extremely philosophical or life changing, just some thoughts that kinda floated by.

So, the matter of pride first comes to mind. Pride, outside the story of the Lion King (you see what this channel is doing to me?) is one of those human attributes that doubles as a danger. Pride is often times all we have when we're at our social lows. It can mean the difference between having what you want or settling with what you can learn to live with. Pride is also the one thing that can make it so that you are the reason you are unhappy...think about it.

Another thought: what in the world is so unethical about using an aborted embryo to help millions of living people?. "Life is precious". You're damn right it is, when it's THERE. Taking tissues from an embryo that technically isn't even alive is in no way taking any kind of life from anyone. "But adults are also a source of stem cells...why not use them?". Indeed they are, but they're not as efficient as the embryonic ones because they're dedicated to certain functions. Those obtained from aborted fetuses are more versatile in that they can replicate pretty much ANY necessary tissues.

I'm gonna stop at here for now, but rest assured there's more to come. Thanks for reading.