Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"He was looking at me funny..."

About 4 months ago, a Reuters cameraman and eight young bystanders in the Gaza Strip were killed by a tank crew they were filming. Sounds like a just cause for legal repercussion, right? And they say looks can be deceiving. According to Israel's senior military lawyer, the soldiers will not face any kind of legal action. At least slap them on the wrists and subject them to a time out or something.

Obviously, some networks (Reuters in particular) were distressed by the alarming verdict. This basically undercuts whatever freedom was given to the press by handing a soldier the ill advised right to shoot first and check for PRESS labels later.

Fadel Shana, the 24 year old cameraman, positioned himself to film about a mile from where the tanks were. With the last two minutes of video that he caught, we can see a tank firing a shell that burst open, raining down thousands of metal darts known as flechettes upon the reporter and many others that were nearby.

Here's what bothers me the most: The fact that the men were wearing protective flak jackets ("Common to Palestinian terrorists" & coincidentally marked with a bold reading of PRESS) was cited by the senior military lawyer as causes for suspicion leading to the tank crew's decision. Brigadier General Avihai Mendelblit of the Israel Defense Forces wrote: "The tank crew was unable to determine the nature of the object mounted on the tripod and positively identify it as an anti-tank missile, a mortar or a television camera,"

Mendelbit also added that given the situation, the conclusion reached by the tank crew and its superiors that the characters were most likely hostile and carrying a weapon was that of "sound" reason.

David Schlesinger, Reuters Editor-in-Chief had this to say: "I'm extremely disappointed that this report condones a disproportionate use of deadly force in a situation the army itself admitted had not been analyzed clearly. They would appear to take the view that any raising of a camera into position could garner a deadly response."

Reuters wrote a letter to Mendelbit filled with questions that included those of why the tank crew eliminated the posibilty of Shana being a harmless camera man, why the fact that he was positioned in direct view of the tanks wasn't seen as a lack of deadly intent, and why, if the tanks were so concerned, did they not just retreat away from the target's line of sight.

Last shot taken by the deceased cameraman:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Casual Contemplation

Reelz Channel is God's answer to the prayers of movie geeks around the world. I, myself, am not what you might label as a movie geek, but frankly, i think i am becoming a movie geek watching this channel more and more...and I'm loving it.

In any case, so I'm sitting here watching my new found favorite channel (second only to ESPN and CNN), enjoying a documentary on Robert Dinero, and i start wondering about a few things. Nothing extremely philosophical or life changing, just some thoughts that kinda floated by.

So, the matter of pride first comes to mind. Pride, outside the story of the Lion King (you see what this channel is doing to me?) is one of those human attributes that doubles as a danger. Pride is often times all we have when we're at our social lows. It can mean the difference between having what you want or settling with what you can learn to live with. Pride is also the one thing that can make it so that you are the reason you are unhappy...think about it.

Another thought: what in the world is so unethical about using an aborted embryo to help millions of living people?. "Life is precious". You're damn right it is, when it's THERE. Taking tissues from an embryo that technically isn't even alive is in no way taking any kind of life from anyone. "But adults are also a source of stem cells...why not use them?". Indeed they are, but they're not as efficient as the embryonic ones because they're dedicated to certain functions. Those obtained from aborted fetuses are more versatile in that they can replicate pretty much ANY necessary tissues.

I'm gonna stop at here for now, but rest assured there's more to come. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

"What the hell?", They ask..

There's been many a time when the question of why it is I'm so obsessed with basketball comes into play. The answer's quite simple, really. I love basketball because it gives me something. Basketball gives me a place where i can think and clearly ratiocinate. Believe it or not, any real thoughts I've ever had on any thing were inspired by a few hours of just shooting around by myself on the courts.

Basketball is also very important to me because it provides me with a place where i really don't have to abide by any social standard to fit in. You see, Basketball in itself (this applies to all sports) is built on ability and determination. It's very unlike "chillin at the mall" or any kind of social outing. I don't have to look good to be good at it or to simply enjoy it. No one has to look fancy, no one has to talk a certain way, smell a certain way, smile a certain way. No, basketball is all about you, the ball, the hoop, and a few feet of asphalt or hardwood. The only conversation that ever goes on is between teammates relaying to each other to watch out for screens, or to take a shot, or to look out for interior passes.

I love this games because i can get away from what most consider as "reality" and just relax. I can, in the most honest and complete nature, be myself. I have made many a friend through just playing on the same team. I've even made some great friends by playing on opposing teams. There's another great thing, you can actually earn the respect of someone who is supposed to be focusing on destroying you, just by playing the game and having a damn good time doing it. I don't need to look fancy or talk a certain way to have my presence felt. No, on the contrary, once you realize how lethal my shot can be, and just how hard you might have to work to stop'll know I'm there. You'll know my name once I'm done breaking down every single angle of your defense. You'll know my style once i use it to get my way on every end of that court. And most of all, i WILL earn your respect once you realize the damage that I, along with four other regular brothers, can do with just one ball.

Friday, February 29, 2008

The H word

No, not Hate.
No, not Hell.
And No, not Hilary.

The word "human" is what I'm thinking.
Amazing isn't it? Just the overall concept of the human being. Brilliant. I sometimes wonder how Atheists form their kind of theological denial.

The human being is incredible in its structure (Mental, Physical, Spiritual). The chaos that occurs within this structure is all part of the underlying perfection. That's right, i said "perfection". The human being is perfect by design. How else are you going to explain to me how the body works the way it does without most of us feeling a thing until some thing's damaged?

Now, the soul does this 3-way dance with the mind and body. A dance, unfortunately, to the drums of war and strife.

It goes like this: Some where, at the very core of what you consider consciousness' boundaries, there is an ever lasting gathering. The gathering resembles that of the Native American tribes of old on a special eve. This special night is marked by loud, resilient drums, played by different figures of the tribe. In the middle of it all, burns a fire bright enough to convince you that the sun was lost. The drummers are in masks but we know all too well who they are. There are 5 of them.The most consistent of the drummers is the one named Desire. this skilled figure plays the drum like none have ever witnessed. The only problem is that she seems to loose her rhythm every once in a while due to a pest. This pest is the drummer next to her, by the name of Conscience.Conscience, along with his little brother Faith, love to bother Desire in her rhythmical mastery. Faith is especially peevish, drumming as loud as possible whenever Desire seemed like she was in control. The two brothers have problems, Conscience constantly falls asleep and faith (as another bored reaction) often drops his drum and walks away in search of a playmate. Jealousy is perhaps the most imposing of the bunch. He often kicks Faith away from the circle, claiming he is too young and too weak. Then, there is the jolly pair of Anger and Happiness. Anger is Happiness' best friend (or so Happiness thinks). You see, as they both drum along, Anger likes to talk to Happiness. Anger often argues that Happiness is not really very happy at all. He constantly suggests to Happiness that he adopt his ways. "Then, and only then, will you truly by happy"

Did i mention that amongst all this, you are in the fire unscathed and attentive?

Perfection thy veins bleed irony..

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What if there was no Original Sin??

We all know the story about Adam and Eve. We know that they were told not to come near a certain tree but were lured to doing so anyway. We also know that this was the first human sin.

What i want to know is : What would happen if Adam and Eve both obeyed their Lord and stayed away from the forbidden tree? Would the effects be as drastic as the concept of sin never existing? Or would it just be a matter of the descendants taking care of it? Common sense would speculate the latter, but I just can't help but wonder: Would sin have even existed?

Metaphysically speaking, the non existence of sin is preposterous. If the idea of sin never really dawned upon mankind, who's to say we would still be here? What is a mortal without sin?

Human beings are all considered the children of Adam and Eve. In that case, would it be logical to speculate that if the sin of the storied apple tree was not committed, the descendants of these beings would in turn be just as obedient to their lord?